
The Futaiji temple
The Futaiji or Futaiten-Horinji temple stands in Horenmachi,Nara.
The Emperor Heizei,who abdicated the throne in favour of the Emperor Saga in 809 and came to live in Nara,later attempted to ascend it
again without success. He then moved to the present site of the Futaiji and died in 824.His sonPrince Abocontinued to live there and after
him his fifth sonAriwara-no-Narihira,who turned it into a temple in 847 in accordance with the Imperial decree,consecrating as the plincipal
mage the statue of Sho-Kannon made by himself.
he temple experienced vicissitudes of fortune during its long history of more than eighteen centuries,now a solitary phane in a very deserted
lace,with dilapidated buildings. At present it is a branch temple of the Saidaiji monastery.
The Emperor Heizei (774-824)
Prince Abo (792-842)
Ariwara-no-Narihira (825-880)
The HONDO Muromachi period (14th century)
TAHOTO PAGODA Kamakura period(13th century)
THE SOUTH GATE Kamakura period(14th century)A.D.1317
KANNON (HONDO) Fujiwara epoch(10th century)
Standing statue.Wooden and coloured.
Seated statues.Wooden and coloured.
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