I've long wanted to go abroad and I've been interested in how Japan would seem to be from abroad. I've not been able to find an answer to this question. Adelaide(※1) is a very nice city as my first place abroad. At first I was not sure I could get along well in a foreign place unfamiliar to me. As a matter of fact, I came across many surprises everyday. But my buddy(※2), my host parents and a lot of people around me have been very kind to me, and now I feel quite at home here. I'd like to stay here another week. Everything goes very slowly here in Adelaide, and that makes me relaxed. I'm very happy I could stay in Adelaide, not in Sydney or in Melbourne. We're leaving for Sydney tomorrow. I'll miss this city and Glenung International High(※3). This study tour is beginning to be marked in my heart. I'm sure living and studying in Adelaide has made and will make me bigger. Last, be sure to come to Osaka some day. People of Osaka are warm hearted. You can make friends with them. Thank you. ※1:アデレード.南オーストラリア州州都.私達が行った都市. ※2:バディ(相棒).ここではホームステイ先の同年齢の人,の意. ※3:グレナンガインターナショナルハイ.私達が行った高校.